Learning Tree Children’s Academy
November Dates
Stone Soup – 11/18/2020
Fall Picture Day – 11/19/2020
Close at 3 pm 11/25/2020
Closed 11/26/2020-11/27/2020

We are thankful for..
You and your amazing children. We are thankful for getting the chance to be a part of their lives. We are thankful for our Christ centered school that allows us to teach God’s word. We are thankful for the love and community shared within each of our families.

In bible we are learning bible verses Psalms 118:1, Luke 11:28, and John 3:16. Bible stories “Elijah at mount Carmel,” “Naaman and the Servant Girl,” “Lion’s Cannot Hurt Daniel,” and “Queen Ester.”
In skills development we will work on using scissors, scissor safety, and seatbelt safety!
We are blending the letters T,L,B,N,M,H and vowels A,E,I,O,U. We will review all letters and practice writing Aa-Oo.
In poetry we will review “Holding Hands” and “God Helped the Pilgrims.”
Our Bible verses for November are Isaiah 43:5 and Psalm 118:1. During class time, we have practiced counting up to 15, recognizing numbers 1-4 and letters Aa-Hh. We are talking about families, farms, Gomer Goat, gardens, Homer Horse, and healthy bodies in language development. We will have fall themed art such as, leaves, squirrels, pumpkins, and pilgrims. We are learning about good manners and making good choices.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good! Psalms 118: 1
Your child will hear The story of Thanksgiving. They will learn that the reason why we celebrate Thanksgiving is because here in America we have the freedom to worship God. They will learn to be thankful for everything that they have because God gave it to them and not to complain about what they have. They will also be taught how to pray and thank God for their blessings.
In everything give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Your child will hear the story Thank you God for everything. In this story Daisy thanks God for all kind of things. She starts with everyday life, like the people she meets and the animals she sees. Soon her journey takes Daisy from the material to the intangible as she learns to thank God for the Breath of Life and for Hope. Finally, at the end of her journey, her father asks her what she is thankful for. The only answer she can give is everything! Your child will learn that God gives us all things and we should thank Him for everything no matter what happens.

This month in our infant classrooms our babies will be learning and reviewing the signs baby, friend, mom, dad, play, sleep, touch, wash, hot and cold. We encourage you to incorporate these signs in your routines at home as well to better familiarize your little ones with their new signs. The colors that our babies will be going over this month are black, brown, and gold. We are very excited to see the little ones learn and excel in their sign language skills.








